


My university categorize the subjects we are taught in six different skills. You can browse them to see what criteria each one contains, and what are my average grades for that skill.

Hard skills

~ : skillman

[dupontno@pc-dg-039-15 ~]$ sudo skillman -Syu
[sudo] password for dupontno :
:: Synchronizing skill databases...
 hard-skills is up to date
 soft-skills is up to date
:: Starting full knowledge upgrade...
resolving experience...
looking for conflicting grades...

Packages (6) application-development  programs-optimization  system-administration
             data-science  project-leading  working-in-a-team

Total Courses Size:     81.00 MiB
Total Knowledge Size:  324.12 MiB
Net Experience Size:   191.50 MiB

:: Proceed with learning? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving grades...
 application-development                [##########################################--------]  84%
 programs-optimization                  [#####################################-------------]  75%
 system-administration                  [######################################------------]  77%
 data-science                           [#########################################---------]  81%
 project-leading                        [#####################################-------------]  73%
 working-in-a-team                      [####################################--------------]  73%
Total (4/6)                             [#######################################-----------]  77%

Carry out application development

Skill description : Develop an application answering to the specifications.
Sub skills :
  • Implement simple conceptions
  • Elaborate simple conceptions
  • Apply tests and evaluate results depending on the specifications
  • Develop user interfaces
Average grade : 16.68/20 (83.4%)

Optimize computer applications

Skill description : Increase the efficiency of a program or lower its cost in both speed and resources.
Sub skills :
  • Analyze a problem methodically
  • Compare algorithms to resolve problems
  • Experiment the notion of compilation and representations of low level data
  • Adapt and setup mathematical tools applied to computer science
Average grade : 14.78/20 (73.9%)

Administer complex communicating IT systems

Skill description : Install and maintain a work station.
Sub skills :
  • Identify the various components of a numerical device
  • Use base multitask/multi user system features
  • Install and configure an operating system and development tools
Average grade : 15.48/20 (77.4%)

Manage information data

Skill description : Conceive and setup a database from a set of specifications.
Sub skills :
  • Update and implement a relational database
  • Visualize data
  • Conceive a database from a given set of specifications
Average grade : 16.27/20 (81.35%)

Leading a project

Skill description : Identify the needs of the users and customers.
Sub skills :
  • Understand the needs of the client and the user
  • Setup tools to manage a project
  • Identify the actors and phases of a development cycle
Average grade : 14.9/20 (74.5%)

Working in an IT team

Skill description : Identify the requirements to work as a team.
Sub skills :
  • Understand the numerical ecosystem
  • Discover the required skills for each computer science field
  • Identify the statuses, functions and roles of each individual member of a multidisciplinary team
  • Acquire interpersonal skills to work in a team
Average grade : 14.99/20 (74.95%)

Soft skills

I have various soft skills. Firstly, if you have read about who am I, you may have noticed that I am a very curious person. I love to understand how things works under the hood.

I am also a pretty optimist person, and I also got told that I am a creative person.

I like to work with other people, I like to interact with others, and I feel very useful when working with others. It also pushes me more to work, when I know someone expects some results, than when I am by myself.

However, I am not the most organized person on earth, and I also have hard times concentrating. I can regain my concentration in those ways :

  • By doing an activity I am passionate about, like writing code, or solving a problem (except if I am facing the same issuer for too long).
  • By having an object I can fidget, like a pen, of anything that is bendable or disassembled.
  • By listening to music while doing an activity. But the music has a very small chance to draw my attention instead of making me regain it, and this doesn't work for a lecture or when someone is talking.
Without one of those solutions, my attention span may fly off the window. But even one or two of these solutions are applied, It is very hard for me to keep listening to the same person for a long time.


Game of the Goose

Description : As an assignment in my second year of high school with three other classmates, we recreated the game of the goose in Python using the Pygame library (based of the SDL).
Languages and library used : We used the Python programming language, as well as the Pygame library (based of the SDL). URL to the repository : https://github.com/Salamint/JeuDeLOie

The goal of the assignment was to create a small video game in a team of three or four, in two weeks, using the tools of our choice. We opted for Python, because at this time, not everyone in our team new how to program, and Python is very intuitive and approachable for beginners.
We wanted to create a video game, and two of us knew hos to use the library Pygame. Is is based of the SDL, a famous C library for creating 2D applications. The Pygame library is wrapper of the SDL for Python, and adds some layers of simplifications.
None of us are artists, and we did not want to take bad practices like using images we had no rights on, so we designed our own sprites with our bare hands and paint. The board is generated using a small algorithm. It reads a JSON file to know where each tile has to go, and every type of tile has a JSON file to describe its attributes.

Project 2

Project 3

Project 4